Syndetics omslagsbild
Bild från Syndetics

An introduction to the philosophy of methodology / Kerry E. Howell.

Av: Språk: Engelska Utgivningsuppgift: Los Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2013Beskrivning: x, 236 p. 25 cmISBN:
  • 1446202992
  • 9781446202999
  • 9781446202982
  • 1446202984
Annan titel:
  • Philosophy of methodology [Del av titel]
Ämnen: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 121.68 23
Library of Congress (LC) klassifikationskod:
  • BD241
Annan klassifikation:
  • Ddca
Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Placering Hyllsignatur Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Bok Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket Metod Howell Tillgänglig 11156000179143
Bok Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket Metod Howell Tillgänglig 11156000176283
Antal reservationer: 0

Förbättrade beskrivningar från Syndetics:

This book provides students with a concise introduction to the philosophy of methodology. The book stands apart from existing methodology texts by clarifying in a student-friendly and engaging way distinctions between philosophical positions, paradigms of inquiry, methodology and methods. Building an understanding of the relationships and distinctions between philosophical positions and paradigms is an essential part of the research process and integral to deploying the methodology and methods best suited for a research project, thesis or dissertation.

Aided throughout by definition boxes, examples and exercises for students, the book covers topics such as:

- Positivism and Post-positivism

- Phenomenology

- Critical Theory

- Constructivism and Participatory Paradigms

- Post-Modernism and Post-Structuralism

- Ethnography

- Grounded Theory

- Hermeneutics

- Foucault and Discourse

This text is aimed at final-year undergraduates and post-graduate research students. For more experienced researchers developing mixed methodological approaches, it can provide a greater understanding of underlying issues relating to unfamiliar techniques.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-232) and index

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Innehållsförteckning levererad av Syndetics

  • About the author (p. viii)
  • Preface (p. ix)
  • 1 Introduction: Problems Identified (p. 1)
  • 2 Explaining and Understanding Theory (p. 19)
  • 3 Empiricism, Positivism and Post-positivism (p. 32)
  • 4 Aspects of Phenomenology (p. 55)
  • 5 Critical Theory (p. 75)
  • 6 Constructivism and Participatory Paradigms of Inquiry: Introducing Action Research (p. 88)
  • 7 Postmodernism and Post-structuralism (p. 101)
  • 8 Ethnography (p. 117)
  • 9 Grounded Theory (p. 131)
  • 10 Hermeneutics (p. 154)
  • 11 Michel Foucault (p. 168)
  • 12 Reliability, Generalisation and Reflexivity: Identifying Validity and Trustworthiness (p. 182)
  • 13 Methods of Data collection (p. 193)
  • 14 General Conclusion (p. 211)
  • Glossary (p. 218)
  • References (p. 225)
  • Index (p. 233)