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Image from Syndetics

The corporation : the pathological pursuit of profit and power / Joel Bakan.

By: Language: English Publisher: London : Constable, 2005Edition: Rev. and exp. edDescription: 256 sISBN:
  • 1845291743
  • 9781845291747
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 338.74 23/swe
Other classification:
  • Dgqb
  • Dgqi
  • Qadb
Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 338.7 Bakan Available 11156000159768
Total holds: 0

Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

New Edition

What would the world be like if its ruling elite was insane?

The most powerful class of institution on earth, the corporation, is by any reasonable measure hopelessly and unavoidably demented. The corporation lies, steals and kills without remorse and without hesitation when it serves the interests of its shareholders to do so. It obeys the law only when the costs of crime exceed the profits. Corporate social responsibility is impossible except insofar as it is insincere.

At once a diagnosis and a course of treatment, The Corporation is essential reading for those who want to understand the nature of the modern business system. It is a sober and careful attempt to describe the world as it is, rather than as corporate public relations departments would have us believe it to be. It reveals a world more exotic and more terrifying than any of us could have imagined. And although a billion dollar industry is trying to convince you otherwise, the corporations that surround us are not our friends. Charming and plausible though they are, they can only ever see us as resources to be used. This is the real world, not science fiction, and it really is us or them.
