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Big mouth & ugly girl / Joyce Carol Oates.

By: Language: English Publisher: London : Collins Flamingo, 2003Edition: [Ny utg.]Description: 272 sISBN:
  • 000714573X
  • 9780007145737
Other title:
  • Big mouth and ugly girl [Spine title]
Subject(s): Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 810 22 (machine generated)
Other classification:
  • Heq,u
Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Biblioteket HKR Skönlitteratur Barn Eng Oates Available 11156000190682
Book Biblioteket HKR Skönlitteratur Barn Eng Oates Available 11156000168221
Book Biblioteket HKR Skönlitteratur Barn Eng Oates Available 11156000149612
Total holds: 0

Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

Hard-hitting, page-turning and celebratory of friendship in unlikely circumstances, Joyce Carol Oates' sure touch with small town life hits home in her first young adult novel.

Matt Donaghy is the class joker, and Ursula Riggs is the misfit loner. Neither knows the other. But when Matt is suddenly arrested on a charge of threatening to blow up the school and massacre the students, Ursula is the only one who sees through the hysteria and hypocrisy, and corroborates Matt's story.

The case is dropped, but Matt's old friends avoid him, and his teachers treat him with kid gloves. Even Ursula, apparently his only friend during the crisis, can't meet his eye. But Ursula can't remain aloof when she catches Matt contemplating suicide - and a strange friendship is born.

Originalupplaga 2002