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Discrete mathematics for computing / Peter Grossman.

By: Language: English Publisher: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009Edition: 3. edDescription: XII, 316 S. graph. Darst. 25 cmISBN:
  • 0230216110
  • 9780230216112
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 004.0151 23/swe
LOC classification:
  • QA76.9.M35
Other classification:
  • 31.20
  • 31.12
  • 31.76
  • 31.11
  • ST 120
  • Pu
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Course literature Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 004 Grossman Available 11156000186208
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Course literature Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 004 Grossman Available 11156000174394
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Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

Discrete Mathematics for Computing presents the essential mathematics needed for the study of computing and information systems. The subject is covered in a gentle and informal style, but without compromising the need for correct methodology. It is perfect for students with a limited background in mathematics.

This new edition includes:
- An expanded section on encryption
- Additional examples of the ways in which theory can be applied to problems in computing
- Many more exercises covering a range of levels, from the basic to the more advanced

This book is ideal for students taking a one-semester introductory course in discrete mathematics - particularly for first year undergraduates studying Computing and Information Systems.

PETER GROSSMAN has worked in both academic and industrial roles as a mathematician and computing professional. As a lecturer in mathematics, he was responsible for coordinating and developing mathematics courses for Computing students. He has also applied his skills in areas as diverse as calculator design, irrigation systems and underground mine layouts. He lives and works in Melbourne, Australia.

Includes index

Previous ed.: 2002