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The Oxford handbook of organization theory / edited by Haridimos Tsoukas and Christian Knudsen.

Contributor(s): Language: English Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Description: 644 sISBN:
  • 0199258325
  • 0199275254
  • 9780199275250
Other title:
  • Handbook of organization theory
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 302.35 21
LOC classification:
  • HD31
Other classification:
  • Qbaab
Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 302.35 Oxford Available 11156000167129
Total holds: 0

Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

This book provides a forum for leading scholars in As globalization explodes, so does international businession scholarship. This handbook synthesizes all the relevante literature of the last forty years in twenty-eight original. chapters by the world's most distinguished scholars. Thetus coverage is split into five main areas: the history and theory of the multinational enterprise; the political andate policy environment of international business; strategies oft multinational enterprises; financial areas of the multinational enterprise; and business systems in Asia, South America, and the transitional economies. a practical social activity, this handbook reviews and evaluates important epistemological developments in the discipline. More specifically, the focus is on issues related to the nature of knowledge claims put forward in organization theory and the controversies surrounding the generation, validation, and utilization of such knowledge. Five sets of questions are raised in the handbook, each one of which is dealt with in a separate section: 1) What does a science of organizations consist of? What counts as valid knowledge in organization theory and why? How do different paradigms view organization theory as a science? 2) How has organization theory developed over time, and what structure has the field taken? What assumptions does knowledge produced in organization theory incorporate, and what forms do its knowledge claims take as they are put forward for public adoption? 3) How have certain well-known controversies in organization theory, such as for example, the structure/agency dilemma, the study of organizational culture, the different modes of explanation, the micro/macro controversy, and the differnet explanations produced by organizational economists and sociologists, been dealt with? 4) How, and in what ways, is knowledge generated in organization theory related to action? What features must organization theory knowledge have in order to be actionable, and of relevance to the world 'out there'? How have ethical concerns been taken into account in organization theory? 5) What is the future of organization theory? What direction should the field take? What must change in the way research is conducted and key theoretical terms are conceptualized so that organization theory enhances its capacity to generate valid and relevant knowledge?

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