Syndetics cover image
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Dayloan Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 155.3 Baron-Cohen Available 11156000162323
Course literature Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 155.3 Baron-Cohen Available 11156000162325
Total holds: 0

Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

Men and women- what really makes us different? Why do women love to chat while men prefer games, gadgets and alphabetizing their CDs? Why can a woman tell when you're lying? And what is it about men and lists . . . ?

We all know the opposite sex can be a baffling species, but we've never had the facts to tell us why - until now. Here leading psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen reveals-

Male and female minds are different Why female brains are better at empathizing How male brains are designed to analyse 'systems' (from maps to music) The groundbreaking theory that autism is a form of the extreme male brain And, now to test yourself and find out what kind of brain you have

Forget Mars and Venus . . . and discover the truth.

Originally published: London: Allen Lane, 2003.

Includes index.

Pp. 227-256: Bibliography