Syndetics cover image
Image from Syndetics

Alice Munro's narrative art / Isla Duncan.

By: Language: English Publisher: New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Description: 184 sISBN:
  • 9781137451224
  • 9780230338579
Subject(s): Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 813.54 23/swe
Other classification:
  • Geqz Munro, Alice
Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 810 Duncan Available 11156000174481
Total holds: 0

Enhanced descriptions from Syndetics:

Among the first critical works on Alice Munro's writing, this study of her short fiction is informed by the disciplines of narratology and literary linguistics. Through examining Munro's narrative art, Isla Duncan demonstrates a rich understanding of the complex, densely layered, often unsettling stories.