The long tail : how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / Chris Anderson.
Språk: Engelska Serie: Random House business booksUtgivningsuppgift: London : Random House Business, 2006Beskrivning: xii, 238 s. diagrISBN:- 184413850X
- 9781844138500
- 190521121X
- 9781905211210
- 9781844138517
- Marknadssegmentering
- Marknadsföring via internet
- Elektronisk handel
- Electronic commerce
- Medieindustrin
- Informationssamhället
- Informationsteori
- Marknadsföring
- Management
- Ekonomi
- Marknadsföring -- tekniska aspekter
- Informationsteknik -- ekonomiska aspekter
- Marketing -- Internet
- Information technology -- economic aspects
- Internet marketing
- Electronic commerce
- Market segmentation
- 381.142 22
- F203
- F209.1
- F401"313"
- Qblb
- Qbcc
- Qi
Exemplartyp | Aktuellt bibliotek | Placering | Hyllsignatur | Status | Förfallodatum | Streckkod | Exemplarreservationer | |
Bok | Biblioteket HKR | Biblioteket | 381 Anderson | Tillgänglig | 11156000152020 |
Antal reservationer: 0
Förbättrade beskrivningar från Syndetics:
The concept of 'the long tail' refers to the hundreds of products that are not bestsellers, i.e. those products that form a line that tails off down any company's sales graph. This book looks at how the Internet has allowed for a boom in such niche-market products.
På omslaget: The new economics of culture and commerce