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Söderslätt genom 600 år : bebyggelse och odling under äldre historisk tid = [The southern plain of Scania (Söderslätt) throughout 600 years] : [settlement and cultivation during older historical times] / av Sten Skansjö.

By: Language: Swedish Summary language: English Series: Publikasjon / Det nordiske ødegårdsprosjekt ; 13 | Skånsk senmedeltid och renässans ; 11Publisher: Lund : Liber/Gleerup, 1983Manufacturer: Lund : BlomDescription: [16], 324 s. ill., kart., tab. 25 cmISBN:
  • 9140048780
Other title:
  • [The southern plain of Scania (Söderslätt) throughout 600 years] [Parallel title]
  • [southern plain of Scania (Söderslätt) throughout 600 years] [Parallel title]
DDC classification:
  • 948.501 22 (machine generated)
Other classification:
  • Kc.3
  • Kc.4
  • Ncba
Dissertation note: Diss. Lund : Univ.
Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Biblioteket HKR Biblioteket 948.61 Skansjö Available 11156000113450
Total holds: 0

Rapportkod: LUHFDA/(HFHI-1018)/1-324(1983)

Diss. Lund : Univ.

With an English summary