Syndetics omslagsbild
Bild från Syndetics

Maximizing people power in schools : motivating and managing teachers and staff / Larry E. Frase.

Av: Språk: Engelska Serie: Successful schools ; 5Utgivningsuppgift: Newbury Park, Calif. Corwin, c1992Beskrivning: xvii,137pISBN:
  • 0803960158
Ämnen: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 371.2010973 20
  • 371.2010973 20
Annan klassifikation:
  • Emk
Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Placering Hyllsignatur Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Bok Biblioteket HKR Magasin Mag., Emk Tillgänglig 11156000152367
Antal reservationer: 0

Förbättrade beskrivningar från Syndetics:

This volume focuses on maximizing productivity of teachers and other school staff and covers all phases of professional development. Specific suggestions are given on a number of areas, such as hiring the best teachers, providing quality in-service training, motivating and evaluating teachers, arresting burnout, dismissing incompetent teachers and using support staff resources.

Innehållsförteckning levererad av Syndetics

  • Foreword
  • Staffing the School Right the First Time
  • Teacher Burnout and Mediocrity
  • The Antidote is Professional Development and Motivation
  • Evaluating and Supervising Teachers
  • Managing the Marginal Teacher
  • Strategies for Assisting the Marginal Teacher
  • Staying Legal and Out of Trouble
  • Maximizing the Potential of Support Personnel
  • Trouble-Shooting Guide