Syndetics omslagsbild
Bild från Syndetics

The ultimate hitchhiker's guide : complete and unabridged / Douglas Adams ; illustrations by Peter Cross.

Av: Språk: Engelska Utgivningsuppgift: New York : Wings, 1996Beskrivning: 815 sider illISBN:
  • 0517149257
  • 823.009 22 (machine generated)
Annan klassifikation:
  • Ge.01
  • He.01
Indhold: The hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy -- The restaurant at the end of the universe -- Life, the universe and everything -- So long, and thanks for all the fish -- Young Zaphod plays it safe -- Mostly harmless.
Sammanfattning: 6 Science fiction-romaner.
Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Placering Hyllsignatur Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Bok Biblioteket HKR Skönlitteratur Roman Eng Adams Tillgänglig 11156000159797
Antal reservationer: 0

Förbättrade beskrivningar från Syndetics:

This outrageous volume contains six zany, out-of-this-world adventure stories by this incomparable novelist. From the very first to the very latest--all best sellers--includes The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long and Thanks for all the Fish; Young Zaphod Plays it Safe; and Mostly Harmless. 768 pages.

Indhold: The hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy -- The restaurant at the end of the universe -- Life, the universe and everything -- So long, and thanks for all the fish -- Young Zaphod plays it safe -- Mostly harmless.

6 Science fiction-romaner.

Originaludgaver: 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1986 og 1992.